Nice article. Batteries are destined to be a huge huge industry. Great for Georgia that the Senator was able to make the deal happen. Germany has banned the sale of cars with internal combustion engines by 2030, that's in 9 years. There will be a massive shift in the next decade in automobiles, and with it industrial equipment and machines will follow the path to electric power. For those who worry, about the losses in Oil and Gas remember that green tech already employs more people than the fossil fuel business.

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I love the assumptions built into this article. So blasé about democrats destroying the domestic fossil fuel industry and the last remaining healthy rural areas only to shift all of those jobs to already thriving urban areas for menial reductions in emissions. Oh - and the jobs that do get created (which will be concentrated in urban centers) pay much less than the auto manufacturing and oil and gas jobs that get destroyed. Just brilliant. Great job, guys! I guess I'll just tell my dad, an auto mechanic (and FORMER democrat) that works for an engine manufacturer, to learn how to code.

The smart industrial policy would push hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which employ significantly more people in the domestic supply chain to build and make use of existing infrastructure with close reductions in emissions. Democrats are going to suffer on this issue in the long run in places like Michigan - I absolutely guarantee it.

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