Oct 20, 2020Liked by Matt Stoller

HomeAway is interesting; They began buying up all the vacation rental sites back in 2005 or 2006. VRBO was the original largest site, like Yahoo, and eventually they sold out as well. I had a relative that used to list a property on VRBO, and then HomeAway, and over time prices went up and up, and the number of things that had to be done through the platform, from booking to payment, increased as well.

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Comcast and AT&T asking for a level playing field is pretty laughable. They are just as bad or worse than the tech giants :-/

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..you are $peaking of a biden, who with obama (continuation of bush-cheney) stood adamantly for "Trans-Pacific Partnership" which included corporate tribunal - judges superseding U.S. national and state laws...did you intentionally avoid?

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The Biden™ is being operated by a coalition of factions behind his candidacy. What he may or may not believe is irrelevant, given his clear decrepitude and the inescapable reality that his operators have decided on a Harris regency. She will ascend to spokesmodel of empire soon enough, when resignation, an Article 25 action, or death removes the walking cadaver from the stage. We know her instinct for the jackboot and imprisoning as many poor people as possible for as long as possible. We know her clear willingness to get on her knees to service any and every entity with the possibility to advance her career. Apart from that, all we can really tell about her is that she'll bring a pliant approach to corporate demands, and a woke IdPol face to a fascism more sweeping than than the wet dreams of boogaloo bois and militia patriots would dare conceive.

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For the second time my Twitter account has been locked. Not for threatening anybody or inciting violence but for my anti-establishment tweets. The first time I deleted my tweets NOT this time though I may stand alone I speak for myself and for my profoundly disabled daughter Jessica no I will not delete her or me. I appealed the decision and in my appeal I stated I have free speech and it is NOT secured by the approval of Mr Dorsey. I will uninstall the app before I delete our free speech.

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What do Biden's objections to Judge Breyer's nomination to SCOTUS in 1994 say about how a President Biden would approach appointments to the federal bench? For 42 years, I've known Biden as an idealistic pragmatist with a soft spot for the little guy. Would he appoint judges in his own image? Or would he go further left in nominations? Maybe you could follow this post with another one after interviewing former Biden staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee?

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An excellent piece. Corporate power is more than trusts. It's rights, as in corporate constitutional rights, which have allowed corporate entities to harm people, communities and the planet by hijacking constitutional amendments for more than a century. No question the next administration needs to take on monopolies, but so long courts continue to invent out of thin air constitutional "rights" intended exclusively for human beings, it's hard to imagine ever having authentic self-governance. A nice start would be if the candidates brought up this topic tomorrow night. Here's a statement calling on them to do so: Corporate Constitutional Rights Should Be Focus of Last Presidential Debate, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K4pO92XS1580W16h5bT1ThOTGB8IxiU3Rxo6roZAlwU/edit?usp=sharing

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speaking of Newscorp going after big tech on anti-trust grounds, there’s recently been a grassroots effort to go after Newscorp in Australia for much the same reason: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-54503968

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In light of today’s news, I suspect you will be dedicating a significant portion of your energies to your newsletter. I hope you will, such that it might decode certain Byzantine aspects of the government’s antitrust proceedings against google. Would you consider doing mob style charts laying out relevant players and their connections to Presidents Trump, Biden, and Harris? It would make it easier to keep track of these players and help to reinforce certain assertions you make about a politicians relationship to big tech. I can take much of what you say about these politicians and their positions at face value, but the expansiveness of your writing can leave out context that I, as a reader, want in order to feel confident these claims are impartial.

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