My grandmother, who passed away nearly 40 years ago, used to say, "America is a thief". She raised her family through the 20's and 30's. She saw her family's small business destroyed by the economic woes. She saw the rise of organized labor and the heads getting busted by corporate thugs (police) all along the way.

What she said was correct then, and still applies today.

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This is business as usual for the Fed, no? When was there someone that wasn't in place to play ball with the Fed governors...maybe Volcker? Hell, the Fed banks could've prevented/stopped the Great Depression except that they only saw themselves as protectors of banks, not of people. People's real suffering was an abstraction to them at best.

How can we get legislation proposed and passed that mandates a certain portion of Fed lending go toward very-low-interest loans to ordinary people and small businesses? It has to be forced upon them because they'll only ever see unemployment and foreclosures as market corrections. Hell, even this time around when the economic crash is obviously fully outside of "problems with work ethic", they aren't doing squat for people.

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Don’t look at the puppets on the Board of Governors, look at the owners of the Fed.

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The Federal Reserve conflict of interest explains completely why the Fed. Reserve's mission is now stock pumping and nothing else. Forcing everyone into stocks as there is no safe alternative for every investor of every size, encouraging overleveraging so that executives can buy back stocks or pay back the PONZI to fake their EPS and book huge stock-based compensation, lying about "price stability" (actually should be dollar stability"), and evading the Federal Reserve Act to buy corporate bonds and stocks any day to create FOMO is what you are going to do if you see your account going down $5 million on a weekly basis when stocks are being priced for future cash flows and risk of bankruptcy. $100,000 a week would get anyone's attention I think. This is why there has to be a tight rein on what the Fed can do. The only assets they should be able to hold are those not subject to price swings or else they are talking their book.

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